Sunday, September 21, 2014

Trees - Bäume

Hello Everyone,

the theme of MIX IT MONTHLY for this beautiful month of September is Trees. Trees are one of my favorite things in life! I - actually we all could not live without them.... my last name is Baum - which is Tree in grandparents' family name is Baumgart which can be translated as tree guard...

So actually I have been drawing and painting quite a few trees over the past years and I also made a whole book about trees for my mothers as a present for her 60th birthday...

So come and join me on a walk through my little forest :)

This one is my work for the Challenge and I found one last empty page in my book - yeah!
I used a black pen and water colors.

And here is some older work: I have been doing some work on the theme of Daphne and Metamorphosis:
Metamorphosis, Photography and Acrylic Paint on Canvas, started in 2009 (still in progress)

 A variation of my Daphne-Tree you will see later...(digital work with my stencil sketch)

 Here are some prints on a sketch of some tree bark I found on the beach  - done in 2008
I also painted a big oil painting (about the size of a door) on the Daphne subject - and below the water color sketch I did to work from.... (2008)
And in the end I did the four seasons with my Daphne. These are four A4 pages done in pen and colored pencils, 201. I still would like to do them as wall mosaics on an outside wall of our house.

I hope you enjoyed my walk though the trees!
Have a nice week!